Vår generalsekreterares uttalande i samband med WHOs rapport om de nya tobaksprodukterna

13 februari 2024
Vår generalsekreterares uttalande i samband med WHOs rapport om de nya tobaksprodukterna

Under COP10 framförde vår generalsekreterare, Helen Stjerna, ett gemensamt uttalande i egenskap som delegat för ENSP (European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention). Uttalandet var i anslutning till WHO:s rapport om de nya tobaksprodukterna, vilket WHO tydligt rekommenderar att länder bör skydda unga genom att reglera nya nikotinprodukter (som inte är godkända läkemedel) som tobak.

ENSP statement agenda item 6.3

Dear Delegates,

My organization, A Non Smoking Generation is a member of the European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention. Since 1979 we have been working for a tobacco free generation in Sweden and in terms of new tobacco products, we have some important experiences to share.

In 2016 The Swedish tobacco industry launched the white snus, also known as nicotine pouches. Since then a whole generation of Swedish youth has been lured into a harmful nicotine addiction.

By calling these products tobacco free the tobacco industry managed to circumvent the Swedish tobacco law. Candy-like flavors, attractive design, free samples and influencer marketing in Social Media has been an effective strategy from the tobacco industry.

A recent study shows that 6 out of 10 high school students used vape and every other student has used the nicotine pouches. While at the same time, the use of conventional cigarettes also increased. At this point 21 percent of the Swedish high school student smoke.

This clearly shows, these products are not smoking cessation but rather a gateway to smoking. It is also important to say that nicotine itself is a poison that increases the risk of both mental illness and fatal diseases such as stroke and cardiac arrest.

According to WHO FCTC article 5.2 we are obliged to prevent nicotine addiction. We therefore call upon swift and strong actions and recommend all parties to support and follow WHO’s recommendations to protect youth from all forms of nicotine addiction.

Thank you, Chair.